Although PayPal processes the payment, you do not need to have or create an account to register for the webinar. We've highlighted below the steps to pay via credit card using the Paypal checkout.
1. On the Zoom registration page:
- Enter your name, email and state/territory (plus Practitioner ID for WA lawyers)
- Click on the "Checkout" button
3. You will see a screen that says you will be charged $109 to register for the webinar
4. Click on the "Continue to PayPal" button
- NOTE: you can still pay with a credit card using this process
5. A popup window will appear, saying "Pay with PayPal" - expand the window then select one of the options below:
- To pay with PayPal, enter your email/mobile then select "Next" and follow PayPal prompts.
- To pay with Credit Card, select "Pay with a Card" and follow the steps below.
Follow the steps below to process the payment with a credit card without a PayPal account:
6. You will now be at the secure checkout. Enter your personal details, credit card details and billing address.
- NOTE: If you DO NOT wish to create a PayPal account simply toggle the tick circled below to "off" then select "Continue as a Guest" (see options below
Option 1: Turn toggle ON to create PayPal Account
Option 2: Leave toggle OFF to pay as a guest
7. After the payment has been processed, you will see a purchase confirmation screen. You will also receive emails via Zoom confirming your payment and registration.